Your Brand – Your Story Online Course

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In this online course, Coach and Recruiter Kathryn Sandford helps you tap into what drives you and makes you unique, to then build and market your personal brand and story to the world.

Through a series of fun, interactive modules, you will discover what it is that gives you a deep sense of connection and vitality.  This is what makes you shine.

Through this course you’ll gain:

  • The clarity on where you are at this stage in your life, what you really want, need and aspire to be and do for your future success,
  • a strategy to turn that clarity into a personal brand and story that can infuse every aspect of your life, and
  • results by presenting an authentic, confident ‘you’ that attracts opportunities for success and connection.

Along with insights, wisdom and activities, the course is peppered with Kathryn’s videos and podcasts to keep things fun, relatable and focused on you.

Here’s why Your Brand – Your Story could be right for you:

  • You’re dissatisfied with what you’re currently doingin your worklife, or youre not getting the results you
  • You have a sense of dissatisfaction or frustration with your work life and you know you’re worth more but you don’t know how to make a move forward
  • You’re at a crossroads. You’re ready to reassess your life, discover or reaffirm what’s right for you now, and make a plan for change
  • You know you cant do it alone (or you would have already done it) and you want a support team to show you how to get what you desire in life

With this course you can take control of your worklife and future direction, whether you’re wanting to grow a name for yourself, be truer to yourself, do more of what you love, give back, create a legacy, or just look forward to Mondays.

What you can expect to achieve after completing this course:

By the end of this course, you’ll have built a personal brand and story that’s authentic to who you are, and enables you to create trusted networks and leverage opportunities towards the future you want for yourself.

Once you’ve committed yourself to the course, we will be with you every step of the way to ensure you achieve the maximum benefit.

Course duration:

The modules and activities will take you about 30 hours to complete. It’s recommended that you take two to three months to work through this course. This enables you to get the full benefit out of each module and the activities, apply what you’ve learnt and lock in the results.

What you will need for this course:

The success of this course depends on one thing. Your Commitment. What you put in is what you get out. So create the time and space to work through the modules and activities.

Note that the course can be accessed on your mobile, tablet or computer, and we recommend using Google Chrome or Firefox.

About your coach

Kathryn Sandford is the co-founder and Director of M2M Coaching & Recruitment.  She is a career coach, recruiter and personal brand strategist.   

Her energy is infectious. 

Her passion for unleashing your potential is unstoppable.  She will challenge you by asking “why not?” to stretch you, and offer real reflections on what could be holding you back. 

But what’s always at the heart of her mahi is you, your growth, and success. 

Having worked across public, private, corporate and education sectors, Kathryn walks the talk, and has the stats, stories and insights to prove it.

So whether you’re just getting started or back into the workforce, or looking to move up, out or across, Kathryn can help you navigate the path to honoring and becoming your best self.